Fall Schedule

Tagged as Personal

Written on 2007-07-27 16:52:16

SPSU Schedule
Intro to Computing Disciplines - CSE 1002 - 001 - 03:00 pm - 03:50 pm MW J-ATRIUM BLDG 217
Prog and Problem Solving I - CSE 1301 - 002 - 1:30 pm - 2:45 pm TR J-ATRIUM BLDG 217
Prog and Problem Solving I - CSE 1301 - 053 - 03:00 pm - 04:40 pm T J-ATRIUM BLDG 251
C Programming - CS 2123 - 002 - 07:30 pm - 08:45 pm TR J-ATRIUM BLDG 161
Discrete Mathematics - MATH 2345 - 002 - 12:00 pm - 12:50 pm MWF D-CLASSROOM 234

More SPSU details soon to come...
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