Tagged as Personal, Programming
Written on 2012-06-17 00:30:57
Strange Loop has posted their
schedule for 2012 and my company has been kind enough to send me. Without further ado, here's my current thought on which talks I'll attend. I just can't wait for September. :)
;; Sunday, September 23 (Emerging Languages Preconf)-- 7:30 flight? ZOMG WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?
09:30 Jeremy Ashkenas - Symbiotic Languages: Transpiling into Javascript
10:30 Ostap Cherkashin - Bandicoot: code reuse for the relational model
11:30 Hakan Raberg - Clever, Classless and Free?
12:40 Michael Fogus - The Reemergence of Datalog
13:20 Brian McKenna - Roy
14:40 David Herman - Rust
15:50 James Noble - Grace: an open source educational OO language
16:30 Jose Valim - Elixir: Modern Programming for the Erlang VM
17:10 David Pollak - Visi: Cultured & Distributed
;; Monday, September 2409:00 Michael Stonebraker - In-Memory Databases
10:00 Dustin Getz - Monad Examples for normal people, in Python and Clojure
11:00 Pieter Hintjens - Software Architecture using ZeroMQ
-- (or Functional Design Patterns - Stuart Sierra)
12:20 Neil Milstead - Augmented Reality and CV
13:00 Craig Kersteins - Postgres Demystified
14:00 Neha Narula - Executing Queries on a Sharded Database
-- (or Clojurescript by David Nolen)
15:30 Scott Vokes - Data Structures: The Code That Isn't There
-- (or Lessons from Erlang by Garrett Smith, Types vs Testing by Paul Snively and Amanda Laucher) GAAH
16:30 Rich Hickey - The Database as a Value
17:30 Lars Bak - Pushing the Limits of Web Browsers
20:00 Matthew Taylor - Humanity 2.0
;; Tuesday, September 2509:00 Jeff Hawkins - Computing Like the Brain
10:00 Chris Granger - Behind the Mirror
11:00 Nathan Marz - Runaway complexity in Big Data...and a plan to stop it
12:20 Carlton Mills - Computer Architecture of the 1960s
13:00 Oleg Kiselyov - Guess lazily! Making a program guess and guess well
14:00 Cliff Moon - The Audubon Society for Partial Failures
15:30 Ola Bini - Expressing Abstraction, Abstracting Expression
-- (or Building visual, data-driven UIs with ClojureScript)
16:30 Bret Victor - ?
-- And then I'm out because of my 7:30 flight. Sorry Brendan Eich!