Tagged as LISP, Programming
Written on 2009-05-27 15:59:11
I'm about to run to class but I thought I'd throw up a Lisp solution I coded to the Funny Words problem which I worked through in Haskell earlier. I used sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die thanks to a helpful guide to dump a core image and used unix'stime
command to time it. The output of time ./funnyWords.core english-words.txt
was as follows:
;; how to find words like cosmicomics:
;; words which can be split into anagrams by the middle letter
;; PRESENTLY ASSUME THAT ALL WORDS ARE LOWERCASE! how can we type/test for this?
(defparameter *dict* nil)
(defparameter *results* nil)
(defparameter *file* nil)
(defun main ()
(let ((*file* (or (second *posix-argv*)
(funny-words *file*))
(defun funny-words (wordlist)
(let ((result nil))
(with-open-file (in wordlist)
(loop for word = (read-line in nil) while word do
(push word result)))
(setf *dict* result))
(mapcar #'partial-find *dict*))
;; (concat-map #'partial-find *dict*))
(defun is-anagram (word1 word2)
(string= (sort (copy-seq word1) #'char-lessp)
(sort (copy-seq word2) #'char-lessp)))
(defun has-joiner (word1 word2)
(let ((strlen (- (length word1) 1)))
(char= (elt word1 strlen) (elt word2 0))))
(defun is-funny-word (word1 word2)
(and (has-joiner word1 word2)
(is-anagram word1 word2)
(not (string= word1 word2))))
(defun build-word (word1 word2)
(concatenate 'string word1 (subseq word2 1)))
(defun same-length (word lst)
(loop for item in lst
when (= (length word) (length item))
collecting item))
(defun partial-find (word)
(loop for item in (same-length word *dict*)
when (is-funny-word item word)
do (let ((answer (build-word item word)))
(push answer *results*)
(print answer))))
;;(defun concat-map (f lst)
;; (loop for item in lst appending (funcall f item)))