So, a lot has happened in the past two weeks. Is anyone else simply amazed it's already almost August? WHERE IS SUMMER GOING???
Summer: Week 8 + 9: Finished Go to SPSU to work more on transfer credits Call Sonya TVS Dentist at 3:15 Crash at Chris' house. Beach Unexpected: Read three books and sizable portions of three others. Saw Sonya 4 times. Racked up crazy amounts of minutes on phone. Skateboarding and Guitar. Find out that Burke might be moving back and would potentially like to live with me. Sweet!
Summer: Week 10: Schedule Monday Call Sonya Apple Interview at Noon Laundry Bank Gym Call SPSU about housing with Burke. Order Justin's Birthday Present Tuesday Figure out what happened to my paycheck. TVS Sonya? Work on importing Livejournal Entries to wordpress. Guadec Videos? Wednesday TVS Sonya? Gym Thursday TVS Sonya? Friday Chill. Sonya?