posted on 2008-03-28 20:15:31
I realized in the shower this morning that while I’ve made a few statements about my decision to leave college I haven’t really given much explanation. Moreover, I haven’t explained a tremendous amount about my views on education or the modern system of education. Those views I’ll hold for a later post. This one will be short and sweet.posted on 2008-03-24 13:29:26
I had a lovely weekend. Good conversations tend to do that. I wasn't actually productive but maybe my brain was just digesting all that talk during my leisure. Also, my OLPC XO finally arrived. I've had some fun with it though there are things to get used to. I'm trying to get it set up to work with my needs a bit better which essentially means getting Gambit-C and emacs-nox installed. I'm also throwing XFCE on it for a more conventional work environment. Also, I can confirm that The National's album Boxer was the best album of 2007 that I've heard. It's phenomenal. I'll post more on all that later.posted on 2008-03-19 04:13:07
It's an unusually late post for me tonight so I'm keeping it short as I'm pretty exhausted. Sanford, I'll get to your comment tomorrow once I can form a coherent thought.
One, I need to get motivated/cranking on SICP again. I've made progress since finishing Section 1.2 and I think Higher-Order Functions are great but I need to move forward. If you have words of wisdom/encouragement, feel free to speak them.
Two, I really enjoyed listening to a song called Green Gloves by The National tonight. When I heard Fake Empire I wondered but if the rest of the album is this good that seals it. Have they been this amazing all along and I was just missing it? Seriously, this is the first thing since Yeasayer that's just knocked me over.
What do you guys think?
posted on 2008-03-18 02:37:07
Dear Livejournal Readers: I feel like there's some pretty good discussion of my last post going on at my primary blog, drop in and comment if you like.
I've bumped into several suggestions today that prices for crude oil will spiral back down in a short term period (under a year) for various reasons. I'm not sure whether to be distressed over this news or not. I worry that we may lose ourselves again to the path of least resistance, rather than recognizing that non-renewable energy should be discouraged and there is much we stand to gain if we can kick the habit. More on that soon. Sleep tight, folks.
posted on 2008-03-17 18:09:16
I'll try to actually write something useful in here (be it technology ruminations, code, or an essay) soon. For now, I'm too busy working, having fun, and sharing content with you all.posted on 2008-03-11 17:25:24
If anyone else has been struggling/annoyed/ready-to-kill due to the SCIM program that runs by default in Ubuntu Hardy I found, thanks to this gentleman, that you can disable the application altogether by doing the following:
sudo update-alternatives --set xinput-all_ALL /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/none
posted on 2008-03-11 12:01:05
I would like by Yevgeny Yevtushenko
I would like
to be born
in every country,
have a passport
for them all
to throw
all foreign offices
into panic,
be every fish
in every ocean
and every dog
in the streets of the world.
I don’t want to bow down
before any idols
or play at being
a Russian Orthodox church hippie,
but I would like to plunge
deep into Lake Baikal
and surface snorting
why not in the Mississippi?
In my damned beloved universe
I would like
to be a lonely weed,
but not a delicate Narcissus
kissing his own mug
in the mirror.
I would like to be
any of God’s creatures
right down to the last mangy hyena--
but never a tyrant
or even the cat of a tyrant.
I would like to be
reincarnated as a man
in any image:
a victim of prison tortures,
a homeless child in the slums of Hong Kong,
a living skeleton in Bangladesh,
a holy beggar in Tibet,
a black in Cape Town,
but never
in the image of Rambo.
The only people whom I hate
are the hypocrites--
pickled hyenas
in heavy syrup.
I would like to lie
under the knives of all the surgeons in the world,
be hunchbacked, blind,
suffer all kinds of diseases,
wounds and scars,
be a victim of war,
or a sweeper of cigarette butts,
just so a filthy microbe of superiority
doesn’t creep inside.
I would not like to be in the elite,
nor, of course,
in the cowardly herd,
nor be a guard dog of that herd,
nor a shepherd,
sheltered by that herd.
And I would like happiness,
but not at the expense of the unhappy,
and I would like freedom,
but not at the expense of the unfree.
I would like to love
all the women in the world,
and I would like to be a woman, too--
just once...
Men have been diminished
by Mother Nature.
Why couldn’t we give motherhood
to men?
If an innocent child
below his heart,
man would probably
not be so cruel.
I would like to be man’s daily bread--
a cup of rice
for a Vietnamese woman in mourning,
cheap wine
in a Neapolitan workers’ trattoria,
or a tiny tube of cheese
in orbit round the moon.
Let them eat me,
let them drink me,
only let my death
be of some use.
I would like to belong to all times,
shock all history so much
that it would be amazed
what a smart aleck I was.
I would like to bring Nefertiti
to Pushkin in a troika.
I would like to increase
the space of a moment
a hundredfold,
so that in the same moment
I could drink vodka with fishermen in Siberia
and sit together with Homer,
and Tolstoy,
drinking anything,
except, of course,
--dance to the tom-toms in the Congo,
--strike at Renault,
--chase a ball with Brazilian boys
at Copacabana Beach.
I would like to know every language,
like the secret waters under the earth,
and do all kinds of work at once.
I would make sure
that one Yevtushenko was merely a poet,
the second--an underground fighter
I couldn’t say where
for security reasons,
the third--a student at Berkeley,
the fourth--a jolly Georgian drinker,
and the fifth--
maybe a teacher of Eskimo children in Alaska,
the sixth--
a young president,
somewhere, say, modestly speaking, in Sierra Leone,
the seventh--
would still be shaking a rattle in his stroller,
and the tenth...
the hundredth...
the millionth...
For me it’s not enough to be myself,
let me be everyone!
Every creature
usually has a double,
but God was stingy
with the carbon paper,
and in his Paradise Publishing Corporation
made a unique copy of me.
But I shall muddle up
all God’s cards--
I shall confound God!
I shall be in a thousand copies to the end of my days,
so that the earth buzzes with me,
and computers go berserk
in the world census of me.
I would like to fight on all your barricades,
dying each night
like an exhausted moon,
and resurrecting each morning
like a newborn sun,
with an immortal soft spot--fontanel--
on my head.
And when I die,
a smart-aleck Siberian Francois Villon,
do not lay me in the earth
of France
or Italy,
but in our Russian, Siberian earth,
on a still-green hill,
where I first felt
that I was
posted on 2008-03-10 14:47:36
I thought we all might share this.posted on 2008-03-05 21:28:56
One thing I've been thinking about a lot lately (even if it's premature) is what scheme implementation I want to settle on. Presumably at some point I'll be developing real applications. Or at least applications that I'll want to be able to pass along to one or two friends. At that point I'll need a way to pass said applications on without asking the friends to download and install the scheme environment themselves. See, Scheme is a LISP and LISPs are interpreted languages. There are native code compilers but they're not guaranteed.
sudo apt-get install emacs-snapshot-nox gambc
locate emacs-snapshot.desktop
sudo nano /your/path/to/emacs-snapshot.desktop
cd /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp
sudo wget
sudo nano ~/.emacs
(require 'quack)
;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
'(quack-default-program "gsi")
'(quack-pretty-lambda-p t))
;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
posted on 2008-03-05 04:54:12
For those who don't know, Wordpress is the blogging software I run on my server. Whenever a comment is left though if it passes through my spam filters it goes to a moderation queue to be approved by me. This is practical for two reasons: 1) In spite of my spam filter (Akismet) being competent, it's not perfect and stuff still slips through. 2) I have low enough traffic that I can keep up with the moderation queue pretty closely.
However, until today there was a drawback to this. Wordpress is supposed to send out e-mails for various reasons but it never worked and the reason is that the program it needed to send mail (called sendmail, cleverly enough) I didn't install by default with Ubuntu 6.06 Server (now upgraded to 8.04).
Now, sendmail is not a mail client like Outlook, Thunderbird, or iMail. It's a MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) and frankly I have no desire to run an MTA on my server. That's overkill and it's just one more thing that can get hacked. So today, I did two things. 1) Set up ssmtp as an alternative that pushes everything to my gmail account. 2) Installed a plugin so I get notifications whenever a comment is in the moderation queue and the user gets an e-mail letting them know too.
Here's how I did it:
For the debian-based kids, try running:
sudo apt-get install ssmtp
After that completes, you're going to want to:
sudo nano /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf
There are six values you'll want to change in here and they should look like the following:
From there you'll want to hit Ctrl-O Ctrl-X to save and exit. After that you'll need to tell your php configuration to use ssmtp instead of the default (sendmail). So type:
sudo nano /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
and hit Ctrl-W, then type sendmail and hit enter to search for sendmail in the document. You should find something called sendmail_path, modify it to look like:sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/ssmtp -t -i -au username -ap password -am LOGIN
Restart your Apache server to take advantage of the changes by typing:
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Finally, download this to your server and unzip it into /wordpress_root/wp-content/plugins and activate it in the plugins menu. That's it!
SSMTP Gmail Guide
SSMTP Guide for PHP on Debian/Ubuntu
Wordpress Plugin
posted on 2008-03-03 17:52:17
Bookshelf Jealousyposted on 2008-03-02 22:08:29
I'm looking to make a "You might be an Oglethorpe Kid if..." list. Any suggestions?This blog covers 2015, Books, Butler, C, Dad, Discrete Math, Displays, Education, Erlang, Essay, Gaming, Gapingvoid, HTDP, Hardware, IP Law, LISP, Lecture, Lessig, Linkpost, Linux, Lists, MPAA, Milosz, Music, Neruda, Open Source, Operating Systems, Personal, Pics, Poetry, Programming, Programming Languages, Project Euler, Quotes, Reddit, SICP, Self-Learning, Uncategorized, Webcomic, XKCD, Xmas, \"Real World\", adulthood, apple, career, careers, choices, clones, coleslaw, consumption, creation, emulation, fqa, games, goals, haltandcatchfire, heroes, injustice, ironyard, linux, lisp, lists, math, melee, metapost, milosz, music, pandemic, personal, poetry, productivity, professional, programming, ragequit, recreation, reflection, research, rip, strangeloop, vacation, work, year-in-review
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