posted on 2010-09-19 19:57:54
Disclaimer Pt.1: There are many people smarter and more qualified than me when it comes to CL web development. Thankfully, this article is covering basics and my knowledge should be sufficient. Correct me where wrong, of course.curl -O
then load and install it by running sbcl --load quicklisp.lisp,
followed by evaluating (quicklisp-quickstart:install)
, (ql:add-to-init-file)
and (ql:quickload "quicklisp-slime-helper")
. Finally, add (setq inferior-lisp-program "sbcl")
and (load (expand-file-name "~/quicklisp/slime-helper.el"))
to your ~/.emacs.Alternate clbuild instructions
The first thing to do is grab clbuild. At least until quicklisp is released, clbuild will remain the easiest way to get all the necessary lisp libraries to get cranking on web development in linux. I like to keep clbuild in ~/builds but place it where you like. Download it with darcs get
. Then cd into the clbuild directory and make it executable by running chmod +x clbuild
. I'd also add the directory to your path in .bashrc or add an alias like alias clbuild='/home/redline/builds/clbuild/clbuild'
With that done, it's time to start grabbing libraries. First, get SLIME by running clbuild update slime
. Then you'll want to run clbuild slime-configuration
and stick that in your ~/.emacs file, taking care to change the (setq inferior-lisp-program "/home/.../.../clbuild/clbuild lisp")
to (setq inferior-lisp-program "sbcl")
or "/usr/bin/sbcl" or whatever is appropriate.
End clbuild-specifics
(ql:quickload 'weblocks)
. Done.clbuild specifics
If you'd like to use weblocks-dev, open /path/to/your/clbuild/wnpp-projects in your favorite text editor and change the following:
1) Find elephant and change it's darcs repo from blah/blah/blah/elephant to blah/blah/blah/elephant-1.0
2) Find weblocks and change it's hg repo from to
3) Find cl-prevalence and change it's repo to cl-prevalence get_hg
Then run clbuild update weblocks
and, if prompted about whether or not to download dependencies, enter 'y'. Let it work it's most excellent magic.
End clbuild-specifics
$HTTP["host"] =~ "" {
proxy.server = ( "/" => ( ( "host" => "",
"port" => 4242 ) ) )
su redline -c 'screen -d -m -S screenslime -c /home/redline/webapps/screenrc'
. This will ensure that the redline user starts a screen instance in detached mode with the name "screenslime" when the system boots that will use /home/redline/webapps/screenrc as it's configuration. If you don't know what any of that means, don't worry. It means screen is cool and you want it.chdir /home/redline/projects
screen emacs -nw
screen sbcl --userinit /home/redline/.sbclrc --load /home/redline/webapps/init.lisp
(ql:quickload '(weblocks swank))
(setf swank-loader::*contribs* '(swank-c-p-c swank-arglists
swank-fuzzy swank-fancy-inspector
(swank:create-server :dont-close t
:port 4010
:coding-system "utf-8-unix")
(load "/path/to/my/.sbclrc")
or inlined the following as the first line(s) in your init file and avoided the --userinit portion of the sbcl invocation in screenrc. My .sbclrc simply points sbcl to the clbuild libraries like so:(require 'asdf)
(setf asdf:*central-registry* '("/home/redline/clbuild/systems" *default-pathname-defaults*))
alias webslime='screen -dR'
. I also added stty -ixon
to my .bashrc as detailed in my last post because screen was capturing keystrokes I wanted sent to emacs. Xach pointed out that this could be toggled in screen with C-a C-f but I preferred having it as a default.posted on 2010-09-14 14:00:14
In short, I'm busy but life has been really good lately. I've been learning new skateboarding tricks (fakie backside 180 kickflips FTW), the weather is good, music is good, the 20 hour a week job has been good and classes have been...well, pretty easy so far. Plus I've been busy socially. Having a car and not being broke may have something to do with that.This blog covers 2015, Books, Butler, C, Dad, Discrete Math, Displays, Education, Erlang, Essay, Gaming, Gapingvoid, HTDP, Hardware, IP Law, LISP, Lecture, Lessig, Linkpost, Linux, Lists, MPAA, Milosz, Music, Neruda, Open Source, Operating Systems, Personal, Pics, Poetry, Programming, Programming Languages, Project Euler, Quotes, Reddit, SICP, Self-Learning, Uncategorized, Webcomic, XKCD, Xmas, \"Real World\", adulthood, apple, career, careers, choices, clones, coleslaw, consumption, creation, emulation, fqa, games, goals, haltandcatchfire, heroes, injustice, ironyard, linux, lisp, lists, math, melee, metapost, milosz, music, pandemic, personal, poetry, productivity, professional, programming, ragequit, recreation, reflection, research, rip, strangeloop, vacation, work, year-in-review
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