posted on 2012-08-28 20:14:15
I just saw this over on PLT Alain de Botton's twitter feed and couldn't resist collecting and reposting it here:
The Goldilocks Principle for Programming Languages:
Addendum: I was an idiot 5 minutes ago, and will be an elitist in 5 minutes. Where's my beautiful code gone?
What a charming, weird little enterprise hacking is.
PS: With any luck I've got a very cool announcement coming in the next few days. Also, blogging is a lot more fun using emacs+git. I may just start doing it more.
posted on 2012-08-26 12:42:00
So, Coleslaw is alive (you're looking at it) and I've done a clean reinstall on my server for the first time since 2008 or so. Thank GOD.
With any luck, I'll get back to hacking emulators now. :) But first... a test of some features! I should really overhaul the README for coleslaw too.
;; God do I love being able to write this post in emacs. And commit and push to publish.
(defun slug-char-p (char)
"Determine if CHAR is a valid slug (i.e. URL) character."
(or (char<= #\0 char #\9)
(char<= #\a char #\z)
(char<= #\A char #\Z)
(member char '(#\_ #\- #\.))))
(defun slugify (string)
"Return a version of STRING suitable for use as a URL."
(remove-if-not #'slug-char-p (substitute #\- #\Space string)))
$$ \lambda \scriptstyle{f}. (\lambda x. (\scriptstyle{f} (x x)) \lambda x. (\scriptstyle{f} (x x))) $$
posted on 2012-08-22 09:37:11
Folks, this Wordpress blog will soon disappear. I've wanted to get rid of Wordpress for a while and half-wrote some blog software back in Spring 2011. Some coworkers had a similar plight so we all agreed to finish our blog engines in a one week sprint. I'm done and will likely switch over in the coming days. My livejournal, for those of you still reading that, will no longer receive crossposts and go dark. The blog will be at and there will be an RSS feed at There is no ATOM support at this time know, patches welcome. :) For the curious, the new software is called Coleslaw after a nickname of my favorite poet Milosz. It's basically a jekyll-alike in Common Lisp. Anyway, see you on the other side.posted on 2012-08-18 04:34:09
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